12 Tips for Wellness: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals - Part 2
Part 2: Maintenance & Wellness on the Go
Part 2 of our Wellness series will focus on caring for your tools and keeping your mind and body well.
7. Keep Your Stethoscope in Top Shape
Remember when you got your first stethoscope? Something about having it makes a student or new graduate feel so official. Then, as the years go by and it takes a beating, it can be easy to forget to take care of it. So, take a few minutes to take care of your trusty stethoscope. Clean it regularly with alcohol wipes and personalize it with a festive name tag. If the tubing is cracked, the sound quality isn’t what it used to be, or it’s just a little too old, consider treating yourself to a new one like this Littmann Classic III 27”.
8. Choose the Right Blood Pressure Cuff
Blood pressure readings are an integral part of patient assessment. Regardless of your field, you likely assess BP several times throughout the shift and need a dependable, high-quality sphygmomanometer to do the job. Selecting the wrong cuff can lead to unreliable results and leave you stressed as you provide care. Fortunately, Scrub Pro has several blood pressure cuff options that produce accurate results and peace of mind.
If you need a standard sphygmomanometer, you’ll love the Prestige line. You can choose from patterns with cats, butterflies, leopard print, cotton candy, standard black, and more. If you really want to treat yourself, check out their premium line, which comes in many of the same prints. Are you looking for a more compact option? The Prestige Medical Wristmate Premium provides quick and accurate automatic digital readings.

9. Refresh with a New Set of Tools
Do you find yourself frustrated by the state of your tools? If your thermometer no longer works, using your scissors requires a massive feat of strength, and your watch hasn’t kept accurate time in months, it’s time for an upgrade. Remember: your instruments work for you! Fortunately, Scrub Pro is a one-stop shop for everything you need.
Check out their accessories, including:
- Littmann Classic III Stethoscope
- Prestige Sphygmomanometer
- Non-Contact Thermometer
- Fingertip Pulse Oximeter
- Utility Scissors
- Prestige Curve Forceps
- Analog Stethoscope Watch
- Scope Light
- Pupil Gauge Penlight
- Stethoscope Name Tag
- Stethoscope Tape Holder
- Stethoscope Hip Clip
- Retractable ID Holder
- 4-Color Charting Pen
- Retractable Tape Measure
- Gait Belt

10. Take Mini Movement Breaks
Once you’re wearing the proper uniforms and have all the right tools at hand, it’s time to focus on your health. Whether sitting at a desk for hours or running from one end of the unit to another, you’ll benefit from taking some movement breaks. If you work a job that has you glued to a chair, consider standing, doing some gentle stretching, and taking a brief walk periodically to improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and boost your energy.
If you work a job that requires constant running, you might think the last thing you need is more movement. However, a brief period of gentle stretching is beneficial for circulation and tension, even when you only want to sit down and rest.
11. Eat Well
Graham crackers, peanut butter, and coffee do not make a well-rounded diet. Sure, they’ll keep you going, but you won’t be left feeling well-nourished. To feel good physically, start with smart food choices and plan and prepare your food for your workdays. Choose items that keep well and won’t require additional preparation during your break. Hydrate and eat healthy snacks during short breaks, and prioritize taking your lunch break so you can enjoy the meal you’ve prepared. Not sure what foods to include in your meal plan? Check out our list of immune-boosting foods in our guide, “Staying Healthy: Wellness Tips for Nurses and Healthcare Workers.”
12. Avoid Burnout
We’ve all heard the term burnout so often that our eyes glaze over as soon as we hear it. Sadly, for many, discussing it feels like a fruitless effort since the pressure at work seems never-ending. However, there are ways to avoid burnout in nursing, starting with creating a self-care plan. If you’re feeling depressed, anxious, angry, exhausted, or just plain “over it,” it’s time to make some changes. We’ve created a guide to help you determine if you are experiencing burnout, how to create a self-care plan, and how to manage your symptoms. Take a deep breath, know you’re not alone, and work through the guide. You’ll be glad you did!
Ready to refresh your wardrobe and gear? Visit Scrub Pro Uniforms to shop for all the products in this guide.
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You need new scrubs, and Scrub Pro has them! Both online and in-store, you’ll find an unbeatable selection with fast shipping, hassle-free returns and exchanges, and unsurpassed customer service.
Shop online: Can’t make it to the store? Explore our entire collection from the comfort of your home at ScrubPro.com.

Tammy McKinney, a seasoned Registered Nurse, distinguished healthcare writer, and founder of HelpfulHospiceNurse.com, is committed to using her medical knowledge to educate, inform, and entertain healthcare workers and their patients. To connect with Tammy directly, check her out on LinkedIn.