Not Your Grandma’s Compression Socks | Why Nurses Need Them! | Scrub Pro Uniforms

Not Your Grandma’s Compression Socks | Why Nurses Need Them!

Not Your Grandma’s Compression Socks | Why Nurses Need Them!

Varicose Veins:

Varicose veins are gnarly, bulging veins visible through the skin. They cause pain, leg fatigue, and swelling. The valves in those veins stop functioning and push blood back to the heart like they should. The blood pools in the veins, causing more symptoms over time. 
Did you know that nurses are among the professions most likely to have varicose veins? Workers who stand on their feet for long often end up with them and associated conditions, such as swelling, pain, and veiny legs. Nurses work extended shifts and spend most of that time on their feet. Once the vein damage is done, there is no way to reverse it. The only way is to prevent it before it happens. 

A Sneaky Disease:

I have fallen victim to varicose vein statistics myself – strangely, more in my left leg than my right.  At first, when I was in my 20s, I didn’t think much about it unless it was swimsuit season.  A tan usually covered them, and I had no other ill effects.  Enter my 30’s.  Still not as much of a problem – through two pregnancies, working the nursing floors on my feet, I did experience a fair amount of swelling. I would put my feet up and try to lay off the salt.  It would go away on my days off. 
Now – in my 40s (yep, I admitted it!) I have entered a new world of varicose veins.  They HURT—a LOT.  I work primarily at a desk these days, and the swelling remains.  It doesn’t often go away. My left leg is still worse than my right, to the extent that the difference in circumference is quite visible.  I am looking at surgery options and treatments.  I take NSAIDS more often than not for the dull, aching pain.  Why am I sharing all my aches and pains with you all? I don’t want you to end up like me! 

New Styles and Colors:

Compression socks are not the same as they used to be – they are CUTE!  They come in every print and color under the sun and feel good.  You will see runners and sports players wearing them now.  By the way, nursing is a sport! 
They are easier to put on than a TED hose and come in various sizes, lengths, and styles for men and women.  You feel better at the end of the day and have less leg pain.  I now wear them for my desk job and even to Wal-Mart. 
Compression socks or stockings have a graduated compression.  They compress veins and make it easier for the blood to circulate properly through the lower half of the body.  It is a long way for the blood to travel from your feet to your heart, and you have put some miles on those feet!  Those compression socks are the boost you need to help push blood up and reduce symptoms. 
Now—the important part. Wear them when you don’t need them yet. You heard me. You young’uns who don’t have vein care in the world heed my advice. Save yourselves. Wear those support socks as soon as you start working long shifts. Think of them as insurance for your legs, which are part of your livelihood and ability to keep working! Plus, don’t forget—they are cute
Still don’t believe me? If you are female and reading this, consider why you wear a bra. Then, believe about compression socks again. See the connection? They are preventative. You got it!
Now go out there, find fantastic deals on new socks, and wear them proudly! Your 42-year-old legs will thank you tremendously! 
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Tammy McKinney, a seasoned Registered Nurse &distinguished healthcare writer.
Tammy McKinney, a seasoned Registered Nurse, distinguished healthcare writer, and founder of, is committed to using her medical knowledge to educate, inform, and entertain healthcare workers and their patients. To connect with Tammy directly, check her out on LinkedIn.