A young female Radiologic Technologist wearing a Cherokee Workwear Originals Women's Snap Front Warm-Up Jacket in Turquoise featuring a total of 3 pockets.
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Cherokee Workwear Originals
From $19.99

Turquoise's magic lies in its versatility:

  • Flattering: This calming hue complements various skin tones, adding a healthy glow to your complexion.

  • Professional: Its association with trust and serenity ensures you maintain a polished appearance without sacrificing style.

  • Mood-boosting: Studies show turquoise evokes feelings of calmness and optimism, benefiting both you and your patients.

Embrace the possibilities:

  • Mix and match: Pair turquoise pants with a crisp white jacket for a classic look, or opt for a grey top for a cool, modern vibe.

  • Accessorize: Let your personality shine with colorful badge reels, fun stethoscope charms, or a delicate necklace.

  • Comfort first: Choose quality fabrics that move with you and keep you cool throughout your shift.